Saturday, August 04, 2007

The new puppy

This is Shadow. She was 10 weeks old when we got her - the pictures above are from the car ride home from Yakima where we picked her up. She's a shepherd/husky mix. In the 3 weeks we've had her, she's already outgrown my lap. Besides chewing on us and the plants in the backyard, her favorite thing to do is run - fast. She likes nothing better than chasing you down when we're out on a walk. It's a full out sprint. I'm hoping to get some video of it soon and will post it, because I find it hilarious.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

A long time...

Since I've posted. I've got a great excuse. I changed jobs. Thankfully not companies just positions within the same company. Which is great. I'm busy but I attribute a lot of it to trying to figure out what I'm doing. I really like it though. It's a nice challenge.  I was really ready for one and luckily for me, this came up.

I've got another great excuse which is that we now have a puppy. Pictures will be in a separate post. :-)

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