Sunday, April 30, 2006

Road Rage

MC and I had a lovely experience with road rage the other day. We had finished up our bike ride - I had ridden home from work in downtown Seattle and MC met me midway. We had loaded our bikes on to the bike rack on top of the Vo and were driving back up to the plateau. I pulled into the turn lane and as we were waiting for the light a light colored SUV pulls by on the right, driver's window down, middle finger waving in the wind at us apparently. It took a while to figure out who he was flipping off. He leaned out the window and I could see his face in his side mirror - it looked like he said "bikes" with his face all scrunched up and looking mighty angry. He continued to give us the "bird" while sitting at the light. The turn light came on and as we rolled by him, MC rolled down the window and asked the man "are you alright?" The response - "fucking asses" and a red, scrunched up face. The guy was so incredibly angry. It made me grateful that we were in the car. If we had been on our bikes this guy would have run us off the road and left us for dead. I have no doubt about that.

I know they're are some cyclists out there who do stupid things on their bikes, key cars as they ride by, thump the trunk, get irrationally upset with drivers, etc. I understand that drivers get upset with cyclists for the dumb things they do. BUT, I have to tell you that as a cyclist it freaks me out that people in their cars sometimes forget just how vulnerable we are on our bikes. It's just me, the lyrca and my bike frame - I have no chance against a car. I try not to think about it because if I did, I may never get on my bike again.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Sports Fans part deux

Continuing a trend, I “learned” some good information at the last Sonics game on Wednesday...

1) Nick Collison broke his foot about 2 months ago. (He tore the plantar fascia).
2) A dunk is worth 3 points.
3) You can win a Grammy for a flop in the NBA. (“And the Grammy goes to...” was heard from a few rows behind me.)

I can hardly wait to hear all the idle chatter at the Mariners games! I’m going to be so smart!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Petty Irritation of the Weekend

I have an almost pathological need to correct people (men) when they get sports trivia incorrect. I can't resist pointing out how they are getting some basic fact wrong. It's highly entertaining. Attending a sporting event is the perfect place to hear all sorts of misinformation as well as "knowledgeable commentary" on the game playing out in front of the crowd. Friday's Sonics game was fantastic for this type of thing (it's almost like people watching but it requires you to have good hearing so you can eavesdrop). I learned some great things that night. Did you know that Nick Collison's Kansas Jayhawk team won the national championship? Did you also know that Earl Watson is Sonics' legend Slick Watts' son? The guy sitting next to me did correct his friend on the Earl Watson issue, but the Kansas thing was great. Kansas did not win the national championship while Collison was in school. They lost the championship game to Syracuse (Carmelo Anthony). I realize that this is an obscure piece of trivia but still, the guy stated it with such conviction that it took all the restraint I possess to hold my tongue. The best part was that the more beer they drank, the louder and more "knowledgeable" they became. Awesome! It's why I spend money on tickets...To be fair, I'm sure I'm just as annoying to some people. I like to comment on the qualityh of the officiating. I'm trying to get better about it. Really.

Monday, April 10, 2006

I am such a fangirl

It’s usually all about Jan Ullrich, but since he lives so far away (i.e. Europe), I’ve had to find someone else. Not to replace him, because who could replace Jan? ;-) It's more of a winter distraction before cycling season gets into full swing. I just know you are all dying to know who! Ta da! Nick Collison. I know, seems like an unlikely choice but there you have it.

I convinced MC to stay after the Sonics game last night because Nick was going to be the guest on the post-game radio show. Being a tolerant and indulgent spouse, he went off to the team store to buy a shirt and left me to fight off the hordes trying to get an autograph. O.k., so there weren’t exactly hordes but the old lady behind me did get a bit aggressive. I find it disconcerting to stare at someone while they are speaking so although I was standing right in front of Nick while he was answering questions from the host, I would occasionally look away check out his shoes, etc. He wouldn't be included in Fashion No-No. (I'm sure he's relieved to hear that he won't be joining Chris Kaman as a subject of a FNN blog entry). A big thumbs up on the brown and beige suede leather Nike shoes, the dark blue jeans and the brown jacket. Also, the watch was a nice touch – no bling to be seen, just a nice round watch face in silver with a black band. More surprising, his nails are in better shape than mine. Actually, not that surprising as it has been over a year since my last manicure. Scandalous, I know. Anyway, enough about his sartorial sense and superior grooming habits. I think he interviews pretty well; he answers the questions and does so with a minimum number of “ums,” “aaahs,” “uuhs,” or other verbal ticks. (See I was paying attention to what he said!) On a side note, Nick’s baby daughter is cute, as is his girlfriend.

Thanks to MC’s patience, I now have a Nick Collison autograph sitting on the counter at home. So much better than the last time I tried to get an autograph. I’m pretty sure they won’t let me within 100 feet of Jan Ullrich...

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Jon Stewart on Immigration

My new favorite funny line from Jon...check out the clip from Aliens vs. Senators (it comes about a minute into the video)


Another Veronica Mars post

It's getting to that point in the season where the mysteries are going to be wrapped up. Who blew up the bus? What will happen to the dr. now that he's recanted his witness statement about Logan killing Felix? What about Curly Moran? What about the mayor's plan for incorporation? Will V and Logan EVER get back together? Yes, I still act like the characters are real people. Yes, I know that's sad, but I've given up trying to be rational about it. It's just a waste of time. Apparently, no amount of coercion on my part is going to convince any one else to watch this show. I'm just hoping for a third season. Well, I want a bit more than that. I want V to care about what happens to Logan and to realize that Donut IS NOT THE GUY FOR HER; I want Logan to prove that he's not completely reprehensible; I want to know if Dick is a dumb as he appears; I want to know if Beaver is more devious; I actually want to see more of Harry Hamlin as Logan's father, Aaron. I know, SHOCKER! (I would put in the appropriate hand gesture but the censors might stop me - let's just say it sort of looks like scout's honor).

Complaint of the week

I understand that some people don't enjoy sports or follow the roster changes of the home team. Really, I do, but if you are going to attend a game, please try and keep your uninformed comments to a minimum or at least at a volume level where others can't hear you. I was at a Sonics game and the people sitting behind us talked non-stop for the entire game. Their conversation ran from "oh that's Mateen Cleaves. I have no idea who #16 is" to "Jennifer Anniston is sooooooo much prettier than Angelina Jolie." I actually had to correct the guy on the Mateen Cleaves comment. Apparently, they thought Mike Wilks looks like Mateen. Sigh. It's too bad they didn't pick up a program when entering the arena. I can see why they didn't, why have all that pesky roster information in your hand? It's so much easier to spout off (loudly) the entire game. Sometimes, it's better to watch at home. Then all I have to hear is MC complaining about me complaining. It's so much better that way.