Friday, May 11, 2007

Charles Barkley

I have long enjoyed watching Charles on TNT's "Inside the NBA" studio show.  Sometimes I don't care about the game but I want to hear what Ernie Johnson, Kenny Smith and Charles have to say because it's usually funny and brutally honest.  Most of the time you can't hear what Ernie is saying because Kenny and Charles are too busy arguing/insulting each other over something that usually has nothing to do with basketball.  Good stuff.  If you are a sports fan like me, you already know the obvious analysis.  What you really want to hear is something interesting and true.  My regard for Charles as a commentator and as a commercial pitchman (his ads with Dwayne Wade for T-mobile are some of my favorites, although I think D Wade is a far superior actor to Charles, but that can be a whole other post...) as grown considerably over the past few years.  And now, I think I really like him.  The New Republic just published an interview with him in the their on-line version.  If you can find it, read it.  It actually cheered me up.  He discusses race, economics, politics, and class.  You might be surprised with what he has to say....oh and he might run for governor of Alabama...


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