Thursday, March 29, 2007

Brief catch-up

I haven't posted in forever.  I have a million excuses, most of them having to do with having no time but that isn't really an excuse.  When I have "more time" I will post photos, etc.   So, in the interim, here's the brief re-cap:

1.  Thought my head was going to implode before my 2 week holiday.
2.  Managed to escape the office and go to New Zealand for 2 weeks w/M.
3.  We both got sick during our trip; not sick enough that we couldn't do anything but sick enough that we were back at the hotel every night by 7.

4.  Had a lovely time doing basically nothing for 2 weeks except eat, wander around and watch a lot of cricket and rugby (much to the dismay of M, particularly the cricket - he can't stand it).

5.  Suffered through the worst trip home EVER.  I'm sure other people have had worse flights back into the country, but this was almost too much for me.  Let's just say that the trip should ordinarily take 18 hours (including the layover in L.A); it took us 36 hours...

6.  Was back at work for less than a week and I felt just as bad as I did before I left.  Have to say that things have improved on that front though.

7.  Still love the new car (will post a photo at some point).
8.  Will be joining M in Tampa Bay for the tail end of his first big business trip with his new job.
9.  Have managed to plan a weekend with T &J in Victoria - well, we've picked some dates, no idea if it will actually happen.  ;-)

10.  Things seem to be o.k. (if only because the Bushies seem to be in trouble)....oh, and the sun is shining.  At least for today!


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