Monday, August 01, 2005

The Virtues of Veronica Mars

I have to thank a very good friend of mine for introducing me to 'Veronica Mars.' "Thanks" is not the right word though. I now have a full blown obsession with the show. It can't be healthy. Let's just say that I would lie awake for at least 2 hours after the last few episodes wondering what was going to happen next. I didn't do that for "Lost." Not only would I stay awake pondering the future of a tv show on UPN, yes, UPN, I became addicted to Television Without Pity. In fact, TWoP is like crack so if you have a problem with that sort of thing I wouldn't recommend starting.

In an effort to recruit new fans to the show, I created a plot/character summary (matrix) that I gave to friends to get the up to speed. I will spare you the details. Needless to say, I created quite the nifty character matrix and then provided a plot summary up to the penultimate episode of the season. I think I've convinced a few people that they need to start watching. I'm very careful to avoid the gushing over tv characters. It tends to be offputting for most people.

What was the point of this blog? Oh right, the virtues of Veronica Mars. It's noir with a sense of humor, it's smart, it's got good acting, it has attractive cast members, it makes you wish you could have come up with the same snappy comebacks in high school. In short, it's fabulous. UPN is repeating episodes this summer, Wednesday nights at 9 p.m. CBS is also showing 4 episodes. The new season begins on September 21st. Do yourself a favor and start watching.


Blogger tp_gal said...

Embrace your inner Nerdness post the matrix! It is an amazing piece of work and you should be proud.

2:26 PM  
Blogger MWR said...

It took a while to get her hooked. I had actually given up.

4:43 PM  

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