Wednesday, August 17, 2005


Colplay was in the Seattle area last night. I say "Seattle area" because they played at the White River Amphitheater in Auburn. Auburn is a bit south of Seattle...

The good/great things first:
The band sounded great.
The visuals on the big screens were very clever. It was like watching a concert dvd/music video. They changed lyrics up to incorporate Seattle references. In some ways, very cheesy but I thought it was endearing and fun.
2 (virtually) acoustic Johnny Cash songs - A song I can't remember the title too and "Ring of Fire."
The venue itself is pretty nice - a nicely sloped grass area for us cheapskates.

The bad things:
The traffic and hassle of getting to the amphitheater was pretty extreme. We left Factoria at 7:15 and sat down at the show at 9:15. It really shouldn't take 2 hours. If we had left work early, say at 4 p.m. we may have been better off. Knowledge for next time. The only thing that made it bearable was taking the shuttle (yellow school buses) from the SuperMall. It certainly made getting out of the venue better.
The people on the lawn who believed they needed to stand to see the stage. The reason the lawn is sloped as much as it is is so everyone can see without having to stand up! Fatigue eventually took over and people dropped to their blankets/chairs.

All in all, a good evening. A good band to see live (they seem so nice and earnest). I'm looking forward to the next time they are in town. Let's just hope it's on a weekend so I can sleep in the day after!


Blogger MWR said...

Yes, but did they ROCK?

2:11 PM  

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